Short ride today...only about 60 miles. The day started great then rain, brutal head winds and thunder and lightening. The good news is I had some of the best oatmeal in my life waiting out the storm in a bowling alley in Dighton Kansas....according to the owner the secret is finely ground up pistachios mixed with walnuts. Got back on the road around noon and ended the day in Ness City Kansas. One of benefits of riding is you get an opportunity to stop and read historical markers which in Kansas have been few and far between so far. I was taken by the marker sharing the connection of George Washington Carver to Kansas and thought I would share the entire wording. Scenery has changed slightly....some rolling hills, lots of old farm sites and windmills, more oil derricks and massive grain storage facilities every 5-10 miles.
Many of asked about Bob. Stay tuned, more about Bob in the next several days!!
Thank you. You are more than welcome to use the pictures.
I love reading your blog! I LOVE your interpretive signs! I usually don't stop to read them because they are predominantly white history. It cracks me up in our area... there's a hill, there's a cross. The one hill in Kansas, and it has 3 crosses! And the house with the house version of bumper stickers! Your pictures are great. Would you mind if I put some one Facebook with a summary of your trip? The machine is a thrasher. Ed is familiar with them. Grain stalks are transported to the thrasher where stalks and grain are separated. Issues with Bob... 40 miles?
absolutely no gain under those adverse weather conditions. hunker down and smell the roses